Fulfilled Women's Ministry Vision

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25)

I have a dream.... 

For women in our church to be like this scripture.

For this to happen in reality, women need to be fulfilled spiritually (spiritually mature), fulfilled emotionally (having balanced, godly emotions), fulfilled physically (having a healthy functioning body), fulfilled mentally (having the mind of Christ) and even fulfilled financially (having more than enough and seeking to help others).

In order to achieve this level, Fulfilled Women's Ministry needs anointed women teams who have given themselves to serve one another without self-interest (without envy, rivalry, taking offense or taking someone else's offense, backbiting, but in perfect unity and cheering each other on), creating a giving environment, and building a community that functions like the one described in the Book of Acts (Acts 4:34). The Bible says of the people, "They lacked nothing!" Getting to that level is God's desire for us and our goal for Fulfilled Women's Ministry.

- Pastor Rose Erman